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Friday, May 8, 2009

Grappo Fizz!!

“So grappo, what’s your story?” “Well, you guys evolved from apes. I evolved from grapes!!” Appy Fizz and Grappo Fizz - Two cool dinks to hang out with.

The Brand Extension of Parle Agro’s Appy Fizz to launch Grappo Fizz has created a new segment in the aerated fruit beverages market with the introduction of a fizzy grape drink labeled Grappo Fizz. At the moment, no such product segment exists in the market, giving Parle a formidable first mover advantage in the segment.

The product launch advertisment campaign is defintiely eye catching as it manages to pick up from exactly where Appy Fizz left off with its ‘A cool drink ti have out with’ campaign. The Grappo Fizz ads take coolness to a new level with a strategic continuation of the Appy Fizz TVCs. Grappo Fizz, positioned as Appy’s cooler cousin from the fridge, takes a dig at his evolution. The lame humour creates a direct association with its TG, the urban youth, that is more than familiar with and accustomed to getting entertained by such PJs.

The ad has managed to target and appeal directly to its TG with charismatic creativity, consistency, humour, and wit. Creativeland Asia has continued the campaign through a second TVC that re-emphasizes Grappo’s coolness and gives you more reasons why you would want to hang out with him.

The creation of Appy Fizz and Grappo Fizz is a classic example of personification of brand personas depicted via ad mediums. Although this is a theoretical concept, the ‘Cool Drink to hang out with’ campaign has set the standards in brand personification in the TVC space. Correctly possitioned, Fizz has created an instantaneous and effective connect with its audience. Grappo, the UK call center returned, rapper cousin of Appy, emerges from a fridge, reming us again, how cool he is.

OMD doesn’t stop at creating awareness at the TVC level. They are shortly scheuduled to indulge in BTL activation through mass sampling activites at colleges and other ‘cool places to hang out at’. Along with the traditional activity, OMD goes a step ahead in investing in a microsite for the brands to further the interaction it has with its TG. With the summer sweating down our necks, Agro can be bound to see a new dovoted cult of consumers who swear by the Fizz brand for more than just one reason.

With an interesting campaig, it will be fun to see how Grappo accalmaitizes to the Mumbai heat after his return from the UK call centers and whether of not Mumbai is in the mood for his UK rap!!

1 comment:

  1. A thought that comes to mind, is that since Grappo and the boys are constantly dissing Appy, Grappo is eating into the brand persona of Appy which results in Appy being not as cool as the rapper. Will that result in brand cannibalization for Appy Fizz?

    Also, what is the scope for the launch of a non-aerated beverage dubbed just Grappo??
