Global Sindhi">Global Sindhi
Facebook, Orkut, Big Adda, hi5, Ringo, MySpace, and the list goes on. A new social network for a new month. The social network boom has by all means taken Social Media and the internet usage to new heights. With the demographics of internet users strikingly widening its horizons to encompass more and more of the younger generation, housewives and other non-users of the internet to hook themselves onto this additive craze, Social Networks are largely responsible for this exponential growth.
Younger generations, housewives, and other non-users now struggle to drag themselves away from the computer screen, busy as they are browsing through the photos of Karan’s birthday party last evening. Platforms such as Ning have now given the lay man too, an opportunity to go social via digital mediums. The integration of various social media are now allowing the common man to not only create his own personal social network, but also populate the same and monetize it via the means of culitvating ‘cult’ networks via the same. The only challange, is conceptualizing a business model that will sell. One that can self-populate and hence, serve to be not just a social network, but a self-sustainable, lucritive financial platform for the host.
Recently, I was followed by a GlobalSindhi on twitter. How they found out I was a Sindhi, I have no idea. How they found me, have no idea. How they followed me, I have no idea. What was their objective? Do get me to click on thier URL:
And it did!
Global Sindhi is a community based Social Networking model deviced and developed in order to unite Sindhis globally. is a Social Network Dedicated to SINDHI’s
It’s an initiative to unite Sindhi’s globally
“Find the who’s who of the Sindhi community and interact with them, Take your business to new heights globally, Make Sindhi friends, have fun and interact with likeminded Sindhi people. There is something in here for every Proud Sindhi.”
However, noble as it may seem, the cause to untie the world’s Sindhi’s, this makers aim is obviously commercial. Notice the slutty use of advertisments on even the home page, stooping to the level of incorporating google ads into the footer of the home page:
Google ads on Footer
Further, the integrated ads from the Google ads box on the home page can do enough to scare many Sindhis away from joining the social network all together!!
Check Related Links!!
Sindhi Matrimoney?
Scary as it seems, one begins to conclude that the network was created either by or for the pupose of:
- An old Sindhi aunty who wants to hook all the Sindhi boys and girls up in the world
- Some one looking to monetize community marketing with the Sindhis (scoring on first movers advantage here). Just need to capture the right markets.
- Desperate to commercialize the business venture as ratings don’t prove the network as a web based platform is doing too well at all!! (Don’t miss the inclusion of both Share tabs)
YP now has competition baby!
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