A personal blog about the daily rituals in the life of a kid...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dont Look Now
Presented by: Akvarious Productions
Directed by: Trishla Patel
Starring: Akarsh Khurana, Ananya Kaul and others...
Dramatic performances, exaggerated light and sound effects and a singing, stoned, sadhu serenading the audience with Bengali stotras are only the beginning of the persona that Don't Look now emits.
With hasty romance, psychic gypsies and masked murdering student-come waiters, the play tried to vaguely smell the supernatural aromas of Indian theater. With a blend of English, Hindi and Bengali attempts at humour, Sanjay Ahuja, shona and his high school sweet heart return to Shantiniketan in remorse of their recently deceased daughter who passed away on account of menegitis. Whilst in Shantiniketan, the couple frequently runs into a pair of gypsy twin sisterns, of whom, the blind one claims to be psychic, seeing visions of the deceased young girl.
The bad omen calls for Ahuja and his wife to leave Shantiniketan at the earliest as his presence is a threat to his own life. However, a series of unexplained murders leaves Ahuja in an unavoidable situational tryst with the police, in which he is compelled to loiter in the town for a little more.
At the same time, his wife rushes off the Panchgini, to console their son Jr. Anhuja who is scheduled to undergo an appendix surgery.But mysteriously, the
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Global Sindhi
Global Sindhi">Global Sindhi
Facebook, Orkut, Big Adda, hi5, Ringo, MySpace, and the list goes on. A new social network for a new month. The social network boom has by all means taken Social Media and the internet usage to new heights. With the demographics of internet users strikingly widening its horizons to encompass more and more of the younger generation, housewives and other non-users of the internet to hook themselves onto this additive craze, Social Networks are largely responsible for this exponential growth.
Younger generations, housewives, and other non-users now struggle to drag themselves away from the computer screen, busy as they are browsing through the photos of Karan’s birthday party last evening. Platforms such as Ning have now given the lay man too, an opportunity to go social via digital mediums. The integration of various social media are now allowing the common man to not only create his own personal social network, but also populate the same and monetize it via the means of culitvating ‘cult’ networks via the same. The only challange, is conceptualizing a business model that will sell. One that can self-populate and hence, serve to be not just a social network, but a self-sustainable, lucritive financial platform for the host.
Recently, I was followed by a GlobalSindhi on twitter. How they found out I was a Sindhi, I have no idea. How they found me, have no idea. How they followed me, I have no idea. What was their objective? Do get me to click on thier URL: http://www.globalsindhi.com
And it did!
Global Sindhi is a community based Social Networking model deviced and developed in order to unite Sindhis globally.
GlobalSindhi.com is a Social Network Dedicated to SINDHI’s
It’s an initiative to unite Sindhi’s globally
“Find the who’s who of the Sindhi community and interact with them, Take your business to new heights globally, Make Sindhi friends, have fun and interact with likeminded Sindhi people. There is something in here for every Proud Sindhi.”
However, noble as it may seem, the cause to untie the world’s Sindhi’s, this makers aim is obviously commercial. Notice the slutty use of advertisments on even the home page, stooping to the level of incorporating google ads into the footer of the home page:
Google ads on Footer
Further, the integrated ads from the Google ads box on the home page can do enough to scare many Sindhis away from joining the social network all together!!
Check Related Links!!
Sindhi Matrimoney?
Scary as it seems, one begins to conclude that the network was created either by or for the pupose of:
- An old Sindhi aunty who wants to hook all the Sindhi boys and girls up in the world
- Some one looking to monetize community marketing with the Sindhis (scoring on first movers advantage here). Just need to capture the right markets.
- Desperate to commercialize the business venture as ratings don’t prove the network as a web based platform is doing too well at all!! (Don’t miss the inclusion of both Share tabs)
YP now has competition baby!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Grappo Fizz!!
“So grappo, what’s your story?” “Well, you guys evolved from apes. I evolved from grapes!!” Appy Fizz and Grappo Fizz - Two cool dinks to hang out with.
The Brand Extension of Parle Agro’s Appy Fizz to launch Grappo Fizz has created a new segment in the aerated fruit beverages market with the introduction of a fizzy grape drink labeled Grappo Fizz. At the moment, no such product segment exists in the market, giving Parle a formidable first mover advantage in the segment.
The product launch advertisment campaign is defintiely eye catching as it manages to pick up from exactly where Appy Fizz left off with its ‘A cool drink ti have out with’ campaign. The Grappo Fizz ads take coolness to a new level with a strategic continuation of the Appy Fizz TVCs. Grappo Fizz, positioned as Appy’s cooler cousin from the fridge, takes a dig at his evolution. The lame humour creates a direct association with its TG, the urban youth, that is more than familiar with and accustomed to getting entertained by such PJs.
The ad has managed to target and appeal directly to its TG with charismatic creativity, consistency, humour, and wit. Creativeland Asia has continued the campaign through a second TVC that re-emphasizes Grappo’s coolness and gives you more reasons why you would want to hang out with him.
The creation of Appy Fizz and Grappo Fizz is a classic example of personification of brand personas depicted via ad mediums. Although this is a theoretical concept, the ‘Cool Drink to hang out with’ campaign has set the standards in brand personification in the TVC space. Correctly possitioned, Fizz has created an instantaneous and effective connect with its audience. Grappo, the UK call center returned, rapper cousin of Appy, emerges from a fridge, reming us again, how cool he is.
OMD doesn’t stop at creating awareness at the TVC level. They are shortly scheuduled to indulge in BTL activation through mass sampling activites at colleges and other ‘cool places to hang out at’. Along with the traditional activity, OMD goes a step ahead in investing in a microsite for the brands to further the interaction it has with its TG. With the summer sweating down our necks, Agro can be bound to see a new dovoted cult of consumers who swear by the Fizz brand for more than just one reason.
With an interesting campaig, it will be fun to see how Grappo accalmaitizes to the Mumbai heat after his return from the UK call centers and whether of not Mumbai is in the mood for his UK rap!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Peter ka Panga

Spiderman 3 - Toby Maguire - Peter Parker
Heroes Season 3 - Milo Ventimiglia - Peter Petrelli
Notice any similarities? Both males, lost in their time, trying hard to find themselves in the midst of big cities with hectic lives and puny jobs. With sober, effeminate looks, meager bodies and an excuse for a life, Peter is torn between trying to find his identity and making a mark for himself in this cruel world.
The constant need for selfless heroism doesn't hold the reins on this young superhero as flirts with danger and flies through the air from building top to building top. A battle to find love that lasts only makes the battle of life a wee bit more edgy.

Trying hard as he might, to build some family ties, relationships just don't seem to last more than a fever as losses of loved ones to foes only helps mould Peter into a more

But through the trials and tribulations of life and the journey that Peter is taken through from the genesis of his character as a superhero to being shadowed by darkness, only to resurrect from beneath the pages of time, one still scratches his chin and wonders, which Peter am I talking about? Peter Parker? Or Peter Petrelli?
Advanced Digital Network
India is a nation that makes use of its telecommunication. With reports stating that India could well be on its way of creating records with the highest ever recorded percentage of urban cell phone penentration in the world, Asians are just generally obsessed with 'keeping in touch'. The same is reflected in cell phone rates which have exponentially crashed over the last 10 years. From an alarming 16 Rs. a mintue for an incoming calls, users now get paid 10p per minute via Virgin's new 'Get paid for receiving' Pricing strategy.
Mike Zoozoo and Chika took O&M and Nirvana Film's advertising for Vodafone to a new lever. Yet, Indicom, with its simplicity and straightforwardness has managed to boast of its USP with a simple, real-life ad that the common man indetifies with. No usage of animation, figurines or mascots has overshadowed the brand core for Indicom with its life-like everday setting, related characters and realisitc situations.
A defintie eye-catcher with its simple communication strategy communication beautifully through a simplistic, yet witty ad.
UEFA Idiot's League - Foobrawl at its very best!
- A deep-sea 'diver'
- A ballet dancer
- A Dominoe (since they are supposed to fall)
- A soap opera star on Star TV
- A 'before' model for Fiama D'wills new shampoo
- A role model for children the world over who love hockey
A fabulous early goal by Essien put Chelsea into an early lead going into this game rather shaky. However, Barca's solid passing and consistent possession justified even the late late goal that hear-winner Iniesta took out of his bag tonight.
Men of the match: Yaya Tourre & Iniesta
Underperformers: Samual Eto'o, Belletti
Chelsea, playing with 9 defenders insulted the sanctity of players like Ballack and Lampard having to pull back for a good part of the game saving the face of Terry's back line time and again. With the absence of Henry and Puyol, the only thing the cheeky Drogba and aged Anelka used for opportunities were Pique's beckoning hand balls and and other penalty chances.
With a tremedous control of the ball, Iniesta outdid Chelseas left back and weaved through them like an 80 year old grandmother. Although Chelsea boasts of a defensive game, Barac's passing was spot on though they didn't manage to get a single shot on target.
A special mention goes out to our dear freind Mr. Referee. Norway has lost all face in international football after tonights performance after today's spectacualr display of sportsmanship from our bald friend. Pattani opticians will be getting a call tomorrow because one can be pretty certain that someone is in desperate need of Spectacles. The number of wrong calls baldy must have made exceeds the number of corners that both teams conceded together!
A late goal from Iniesta resulting from some poor defense by Essien lost Chelsean face in the 94th minute and stole Essiens thunder after Terry cleared a long ball from the right. Although Cole, Malouda and Anelka could see the top of each of their heads, Mr. Hiddink has some serious planning to do if Chelsea wants to see the gold of that FA cup later this May.
A dismal performance by Chelsea, an even worse show my baldy, a hard, shoddy game that ended on a 1-1 aggregate. Sad to see Barca qualify as a result of an away goal. One thing's for sure, had Chelsea qualified, they would've gotten creamed in the finals against the 'in-form' ManU.
Let's gear up for the 27th to watch the gians of the English and Spanish leagues battle it out in what promises to be one of the biggest football games of the year.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Examination Time!!
As much as we students try to hide from, delay, avoid or run away from these Draconian systems of academic evaluation, exams are a big part of all our lives. Whether it be in the form of pop-quizzes, papers, assignments, class assessment, semester examinations or then the ever famous final University examinations. Exams are not only a large part of every student's life, but also the lives of his family.
The reason for this:? As the years go by, news statistics show that an alarmingly high number of students take to committing suicide during periods of exams. Often, the paramounting academic pressure that students go through is emmense. Along with the same, the physical and mental stress that students undergo as a result of contorted sleep patterns, inconsistent dietr
And hence, the saga drives itself into the families of the candidates as well. Parents, siblings, often even grandparents involving themselves in the examination process. Some, taking leave from work. Others, showing their support in less obvious ways such as preparing favourite foods and deserts! Each one has the constant need to extend their arms and their two bits of advice in an attempt to pre-facilitate the the examination process.
Why are exams so important in this day and age? The big 'R' seems to be hitting the world around us. Job stability is a biblical myth. Jobs itself, are sparse to come by. And what is it that we all are looking for tomorrow? That's right; Jobs. Not Steve Jobs, just jobs - generally. If we haven't reached the stage in our lives where we are preparing ourselves for the corporate world, we seek further education. And what is the single barrier that prohibits the actualization of either of these dreams of ours? 55 million other kids, just like us, dreaming the same dream.
The population of our beloved, today, has overtaken the crow droppings on my nrigh our's 1917 vintage Cadillac. Competition today, is merely a factor of this population. The more the number of kids, the slimmer the chances. It's simple math! Probability.
And hence the saga of competition arrives. Survival of the fittest. Standing out in the crowd. Who doesn't want an IIM sweatshirt in their closet? Who doesn't want to start out at PWC? Who wants to be sitting home, jobless, writing blogs like me?
Like every other circle in life, the circle of examinations too, completes itself from where it started. You want the job? Let's see your cards. You want admission? Put the cards on the table. And if you don't have any, please don't bother wasting your time.
Whatever the routine, whatever the process, exams are here and so is the stress. So pretending to study to the wee hours of the morning doesn't get you that IIM. Nor does suicide. It's just plain geekyness, effort and dedication that gets you there, that helps you slog, mug and vomit. For that's what exams are today. That's what exams need today! You don't need to think? There's a reason India is the most populated country in the world today. All we know how to do is reproduce. So let's kick it this summer, so we can see ourselves in favouable positions in the days to come.
(Overheard in class: Welcome to the EPL. The Exam Premier League. 2 teams. 6 matches. 16 days. 1 venue. BMS Knight Readers versus the Mumbai University Indians. Catch the action live from April 20th! No highlights - hopefully).
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The End of an Era
30 subjects
300 presentations
3,000 submissions
30,000 lectures
3,00,000 rupees!
All the same, an entry into HRBMS. The land of projects and presentations, of 7 am lectures, of attendance and detention, of never-before-seen teachers (and their meticulously chosen flowery language), of politics, of war and controversy and of course, of an equal dosage of heart-burn and of fun.
With over 3000 students flocking the oh-so-beautiful Art Walk that BRAND HR boasts of in flip-flops and shorts only on the days of exams, it was just our pompous lot of BMS kids that dressed up (in pants and shoes, note) and woke up at 7 am (with perfectly gelled, spiked hair – in some cases hidden by a white, not to mention dirty cap) to gallantly strut our stuff for a particular Mr. Sohum’s class on a Sunday Morning. Yes. The life of a BMS kid. 75% attendance. 28 projects a year! 7 working days a week with god only knows how many sleepless nights. Sacrifices in the form of night-outs, games and sports, sleep… Life? More like death.
But of course, Marketing has taught that for anything to sell, it must be sugar coated. Death included. BMS too, had its sugar coating. Guess that’s what contributed to the mass average weight gain of 18.6 kgs per person over the last three years (thanks, Gautam A for that meticulous mathematical calculation that was a derivative function of the composite amalgamation of residual numerators). But in all seriousness, BMS had its lighter moments as well. Right from brown face paint at Lakshya to the free air tickets (to any destination in the world!!) that went begging. From the khujli of the beggar under the Phoenix flyover to the shrill shriek of 93(!) at the end of every class. The delicious aroma of Raju’s garlic chicken that drew each one away from poor Akhilesh’s class to flock onto the sturdy red NeelKamal furniture that decorated our ‘canteen’. From the countless nights spent at Leo’s after winning every single college fest that these losers threw at us to dancing with the trophy the next day. From our glorious IV’s to the teachers that brightened our every day. Thank god BMS has a sweet tooth.
The 5th floor of HR College is supposed to stink very badly. Stink of attitude. It’s surprising though, that it was hard to ever find any BMS kid on the 5th floor since they were always chasing Abhishek and Mihir who discretely stole a paneer role from someone’s plate on the terrace. But however messy our class was because of the amount we ate through the year, our college associates never seemed to have a problem with it. In fact, on the other hand, they were rather grateful that our class had nominated a jhadu wala who considered it his moral responsibility to sweep the floors with his baggy pants that hung from the bottom of his rear end.
As children, often on Saturday afternoons, we ran down for an after-lunch treat of chocolate ice-cream at a popular local hangout called Snowmans. As time passed and hopefully, so will we, nature took its course and Snowmans shut down for good. But we at HRBMS, have nothing to fear, for we have our very own in-house snowmen. These three works of art are not only white, but are also round and more importantly, cold.
Gandhiji was certainly successful in buying whatever he wanted in BMS. Check out his new engagement suit! Too bad a sense of humour was too expensive. Bollywood too, expectedly, was a major influence on the life of the average BMS kid. Talli longed for a drag on a rather passive Jai’s Benson while they both swayed to Billo’s latest item number. Of course, sports were not far behind. The He-man, the cow and Mr. Sweat battled it out for the supremacy of the EPL as Dhadda played shadow cricked through the night. What was surprising though, was how the imaginary bat and ball always managed to brake so many lamps.
A new Gucci bag often complimented the newest pair of gold Aldo sandals, but were conveniently outdone by the weekly upgrade of the pseudo international accent ‘Yeah, yeah, 69.’ Our class reps in their own right, all did ‘wonderful’ jobs. That’s why they’re all best friends today. My my, soaring popularity! Minali’s obsessive compulsive habit to document every single moment of every single person’s life on film, has finally paid off for all you losers who didn’t submit a picture of yourselves for this year book!
With our superlative assembly of exceedingly practiced and endowed teachers at the helm of ship, BMS students had nothing to fear but their colourful language and prize-winning quotes and remarks. “The Ambanis, you see, well, enough said.” “I want Brrrrands! Don’t give ma gas! Don’t fart!” “Is it not??” “Eh, you want me to squeeze your b*lls or what you pisspot?” My, what an education it has been! Won’t we miss this enviable collective of management Gurus?
As we walk out today, through the same beautiful Art Walk that BRAND HR still boasts about 3 years later, our hearts are heavy and our wallets, much lighter. As we look back on the days, the months and the years that went by, only one question comes to our minds; “When can we start again?”
Friday, April 17, 2009
Elections in India
For three days the saga continued as each one of us was stuck to the stagnating pixels of our idiot boxes. Some lost, some wept, some tried, but we all cried. And then, the nation awoke. To righteousness, to valour, to courage and to unity. Every boy and every girl took to a candle to show their solidarity, to show their love, their passion - to show their patriotism. And did it stop right there? Of course not! Political movements, rallies, support groups, youth organizations, debates, deliberations. 26/11 got us talking. It got the youth talking. It got politicians talking. It got the media talking. It got Mumbai talking. It got India talking.
But as anticipated, a lot of the talk remained just talk. However passionate one was about actually making a change, the limitations we face are countless. But the outcry didn't go begging. If anything good came out of the conversation, it was our nation's realization that it's the people that make the nation. The people make the govrnment. Because the people have the right to. The people must vote.
And the saga began. Vote bak politics. Campaigning. Jaago Re India? Makes one wonder that 26/11 couldn't have been more perfectly timed, could it? I mean I'm sure the city lost. Lives, property, money, time; morale, too some say. But what about a vote leverage?
Media, newspapers, TV channels, debates, blogs, forums, campaigns, social networks all encourage us to take the fate of our nation into our own hands. So that we are not helpless at the mercy of such imbicles like Mr. Kasab. Election drives to sign up and register ourselves as voters, empowering us with the ability to not just sit in and breath India's sweet air, but to actually constitute this nation. And what was the outcome?
1000s flocked to the RTO to submit those scrappy little forms of registration. Flocking like cattle, as if the government was distributing free sweets! All in the spirit of patriotism. In the spirit of wanting to make a change. I too, was a part of this movement. This spark to make a change. It's been 5 months since. The elections are knocking on our doors. Barely just round the corner. But my name, still missing from the list. Like me, 1000s who were driven to be a part of this change. Who wanted to stand up, speak up and be heard. But are we really getting the chance to? Does our nation really want to let us? Does society really care? Does the government permit this?
And they say our nation wants us to vote?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Morning Times...
When the earth revolves around your fist and the mynah calls out to you.
With clouds so white and birds with song, telling a nomad's tale;
With paraquettes perched on branches wide, humming with joyful quail.
The flowers bloom with petals pink, spreading the scent of love;
The butterflies flutter their wings so chic, like a hand that fits a glove.
The suddenly you hear it cry, in the distance of the morn,
The stormy clouds of Nefertite that keel the morning dawn.
The rumble near - they rumble far, beckoning to the Tlaloc of Rain;
To come down on earth and free us all, wash out our sorrow and pain.
And then it fell, like ice on earth, cleansing the earth we walk;
Of matter and of substance, the evil that we talk.
The scrambled eggs of ham and cheese, and buttery salted toast;
Was quickly all of gobbled, by both the guest and host.
A new day had come to us, a new walk to begin;
With brisk strides and hearts so big, our faces lit to win.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Summer Evenings
The cool waves lapped the tripod encrusted beachy shores of grainy sand that was home to thousands of crabs and creatures that took shelter in its warmth, darkness and concrete comfort. The gulls swooped down onto the baked rocks that sat tirelessly on the chrome sands like buffalos basking in the waters to hide from the summer heat. The sun was just about the set as countless people strolled across the mortar, some with places to reach, others with people to meet. The hustle and bustle of young ones hurrying to catch the big, red 108, eagerly etching to get home for an early meal only added to the tamasha of the evening. Tea and coffee cups lined the railing of the side-walk as onlookers swallowed the beauty of the setting sun, tired, waiting to take its place at the bottom of the cool blue waters of the Arabian Sea. Not too far away, sat Kishore and Rachna. Just done with a hard day at work, Kishore was tired of his silver-haired, horn rimmed spectacled boss, Mr. Kumar who took sadistic pleasures in seeing Kishore struggle beneath the weight of this job. Mumbai had promised a lot more to Kishore that box files and eleven year old, flickering computer screens. Mumbai had promised Kishore a life. Mumbai had found Kishore Rachna.
The warmth of the evening didn't keep Kishore from passionately embracing Rachna as they reconnected on this moist Monday. He held her an arm's length away and his eyes drank in the heavenly image that stood before him, distinctly accentuated by the rays of the setting sun. Rachna wasn't tall, just over 5 feet. She had been seeing Kishore for sometime now, but between work and the strict deadlines her hostel warden laid down for her, the city left Rachna with little space and time for love.
Marine Drive is rightly called one of Mumbai's beauties. Not only does it allow Mumbaikars to enjoy nature in its true glory, but it also gave Rachna and Kishore a place where they could be themselves. The sunset only added to the moment as the two filled each other in with the day's happenings; playfully teasing and cuddling each other. As time passed by, the sun sank further into the waters and Rachna and Kishore moved on from just tea and a packet of chips, to a more mature place in their relationship. Whether it was the fat, pseudo health-conscious businessmen who paraded across the promenade with his new iPods and Nike's or the chikna eunach
The summer was here. And here to stay.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wheel Bop!
Review: Hollywood
Film: The Fast and the Furious 4
Director: Justin Lin
Cast: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and others.
It's surprising, that in a Vin Diesel movie, the cars never seem to run on diesel. While the naked observation of burn marks manufactured by Nitrous-meth can so easily be the key to correctly identifying the killer of his lover Letty, one scratches his head in wonder as to why Dom Toretto never considered vocation in the field of Private Detection, or better yet, with the Feds. His abilities and judgements many a time make The Monk and Nathan Petrelli look like mere ametures in the Super Hero Domain. However, Lin, strongly influenced by Hiro Nakamura's ability to time-travel, takes us back in time to platfrom 9 and 3/4 to explore the drug turf of masked villians in South-Central America. One wonders whether it was an overdose of Tequila or the strong Equitorial sun that inspired rabid drivers to crash through internationally bordering mountain ranges to penetrate, infiltrate and smuggle $60 mn worth of dope in the US in a span of 45 seconds.
The muscle cars seem to be getting as old as the neatly outlined crevices in Dom's brow as the sag in his double chin isn't the only thing that takes your attention from Brian's 'Fed' hair-do. This testosterone driven, logically challenged, wheely popping smug shocking, semi racist attempt at car humour makes Disney's Cars a delightful treat.
Lin tries his hand at humour as well as Dom tries to excruciatingly highlight the similarities between his machine and his ideal women. Ironic though, that the only thing going fast in F&F4 were the cars. With basic cinematography and predictable beginnings, Diesel and Walker have walked the line. Like every machine, its best that each one knows when to throw in the towel. Let's hope Diesel manages to Pacify himself with the passing of this flick and the Walker walks back into blue waters.
Friday, March 6, 2009
13 B - there...
Cast: R. Madhavan, Neetu Chandra, Poonam Dhillon
Director: Vikram Kumar
Rating: 3/5
The rhythmic flashes of lightening and the persistent, yet convenient pit-pattering of rainfall accompanied by rolls of thunder are synonymous with the Bollywood Horror patrol. Brash blaring booms, midget building watchmen, long, pointed steel and trench coats lay the ground work for super natural Hindi Cinema. But is that all one looks for during those 148 minutes?
After the past few mysteries that blew over the Bollywood horror scene, 13 B offers cinema a fresher look into the life of your average Joe ‘Mannu’, a hard working, optimistic engineer, who, along with his brother, has moved into a new house. No prizes for guessing that the house is, in fact, haunted! Mannu soon comes to understand that the happenings in his house are reflections of the lives of characters of a TV serial entitled ‘Sab Khairiyat’, that the women in his house are glued to. Like his family enjoys the good fortunes that they are blessed with, Mannu comes to realize that there is more in store for his family than just promotions, salary hikes and unplanned pregnancies.
The film meticulously explores how the lives of the family members are so deeply intertwined with the lives of the characters from the soap, that often enough, Mannu finds himself not only helpless, but also at the mercy of the soap. The soap brings in a very creative use of suspense as the daily tag ‘To be continued...’ leaves one at the edge of their seats. Not until the very end can Mannu even imagine who the man beneath the trench coat is. The storey beautifully unravels as the background characters embody the spirit of the storey to the fullest.
After Mumbai Meri Jaan and Guru, the big screen finally sees R. Madhavan taking the lead to charismatically embody a hopeful youth in the heart of urban India, tangled in a web of super-natural paranoia. Madhavan’s expressions alone, caught in unique character with some distinctive cinematography, are enough to shrivel one’s brow and get one biting their finger nails. A refreshing picture on the horror beat! A definitive must watch in the coming days of festivity!